Blacker introduces us to her idea of Vincular Mind from the Latin vinculum, meaning ‘that which unites, or bonds’ a word used in anatomy to refer to a connecting band of tissue, such as that joining a bone to a tendon. Vincular Mind is a way of working together that explores the elastic sinuous bonds that allow for individuals in all their distinctness to move together, think together, feel together – to sense and make sense. Minds joined together creating useful and flexible connections in which each individual, as part of a group consciousness, discovers the potential of mutual listening and sensing. The practice of Vincular Mind can be understood as a way of strengthening individual possibilities, as well as building awareness of the extent to which we are physically and psychically permeable in this ‘intra-personal’ space. The ethical implications of unified group thought, intention, presence and action on such things as authorship, ownership and copyright are profound.