Welcome to Flow 2022 by Carron Little
Dear Flow Symposium Attendees,
The intimacy and warmth that was created at last year’s online public performance symposium, by Out of Site community of artists has inspired us to create another Flow. The organizing committee Beau Coleman, Dimple B Shah, Martine Viale, and I decided to replicate a similar format to last year with additional community gatherings. Flow • embody in site 2021 symposium brought together practicing public performance artists to create new work, to be in community and share live public performances from around the globe at the finale weekend. The artery of support extended for artists throughout the year with Out of Site forging cultural partnerships to organize live public performance beyond the time and space of the symposium. We hope this year’s symposium continues to build on this creative ecology of support for our artist community.
This year at Flow 2022 we welcome new and old friends into this international gathering of public performance practitioners. We hope you feel the warmth of community and mingle through the digital corridors renewing friendships and sparking new kinships across the globe. As we come together in difficult times, we want to embrace the intersectional local circumstances that each of us comes from and facilitate transnational dialogues that facilitate inclusivity and deep listening. The organizing committee decided to integrate more community gatherings at this year’s symposium. The ‘Global Warning’ gatherings in weeks 1 & 2 facilitate an open forum for collective conversation about climate change and the ongoing conflicts in different parts of the globe. The nuances and complexities of these situations will be expanded on in the presentations and I particularly wish to highlight A Pound of Feathers by Bernadette Hopkins on Saturday June 11 at 10am ct | 5pm ect inspired by a recent performance in County Donegal, Ireland on May 6, 2022. This presentation will highlight the current waves of migration due to climate, war, and economics that is happening.
A Pound of Feathers
by Bernadette Hopkins
June 11, 2022 @10 am ct | 5pm ect
As a golden thread connecting these elements, weaving the dialogue of climate change, working in areas of conflict and forging models for collaborative and sustainable practice we are highlighting the new monograph about Alastair MacLennan’s performance practice working in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Sandra Johnston, Alastair MacLennan, and Brian Patterson will be joining us to discuss the making and production of Actional Poetics – ASH SHE HE, The Performance Actuations by Alastair MacLennan, 1971 - 2020 on Saturday June 4 @10am ct | 5pm ect. Alastair’s practice in rooted in Zen and what he terms as the practice of actuations. Brian Patterson shares in his chapter: ‘Public performances can become a strategy for awakening consciousness that art is (p) art of life’ (p. 149) and discusses how collaborative group practice in public sites can open possibilities for individual and collective transformation.
Actional Poetics - ASH SHE HE
A Panel discussion with Sandra Johnston, Alastair MacLennan, and Brian Patterson
June 4, 2022 @10am ct | 5pm ect
Last year we were inspired by the new monograph Responding to Site, The Performance Work of Marilyn Arsem, edited by Jennie Klein & Natalie Loveless. The idea of public performance practice as pedagogical is expanded on in these two seminal monographs by lifelong artists and friends. We hope this running thread will be nurtured in the practice-based workshops with practitioners in public performance who are so generously facilitating a diversity of experiences. After two weeks of presentations and workshops symposium attendees can opt-in to perform in the finale weekend with Experimental Sound Studio. Don’t decide now, wait, and see if you feel moved to create an ‘actuation’?
Histories and Stories
Body and Memory in Public Spaces
A Practice-based performance workshop with Nieves Correa
Four sessions on June 2 & June 4, 2022.
We wish to welcome you into this creative community and invite you to move with flexibility, love, and patience as we embrace this collective space. We look forward to gathering in community and connecting with you on this creative journey of life.
Yours in peace and creativity,
Carron Little
Organizer of Out of Site & Convener of Flow