Flow embody • in site

Jacq Garcia on Victoria Stanton
I have been thinking non-stop about stopping. What does it truly mean to stop and be in the present? Victoria Stanton’s “What motivates you to stop?” was a refreshing and much needed lecture to start my own process of stopping.
Victoria began to think about nothing through thinking about stillness and interstitial spaces. The in between of doing became places of something that wasn’t exactly concrete. The transitional space became a moment where time could be bent as these were considered to be temporary, however if the temporary is made longer or the moment became a focus the expectation would shift and the nothing becomes something. This rethinks what spaces are, what they can do, and what they can be.

Jacq Garcia on Carali McCall
’I miss the land, but does the land miss me?’ was lecture all about place, longing, stillness, and endurance. The lecture opened with a land acknowledgment: transmitting from Council of three fires Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi Nations also known as Chicago, Illinois there was also an acknowledgment of immigrants, migrants, black and brown ancestors as well as the extractive and colonial infrastructure of digital computations which uses electronics and servers all of which are made possible by occupying places where other beings live currently or once lived.