Flow • embody in site
Sign up to our newletter to submit proposals to participate in the next Flow 2025
Big thanks to Block Club Chicago & Elisa Shoenberger for writing this interview with co-curators ieke Trinks and Carron Little about Intercity .
Jelili Atiku, E Don Tey Wey We Dey, performance at the 3rd edition of FARaway, Festival des Arts, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Reims, France on Saturday February 11 2023
Photo credit Van Den Hende
Learn about the Flow experience by checking out the blog where participants write about their own experience.
One blog called A Cosmic Union by Agata Flaminika explored Jelili Atiku's performative practice as a sacred tool for connection and recognition.
Live Art Performances from around the globe
Flow 2023 is the third practice – based research symposium organized by the artist collective, Out of Site. Attendees can attend in-person or online public performance art workshops with globally renowned practitioners. The Flow experience consists of a curated program of performance lectures and artist presentations by artists, scholars, and curators who work in the specialized field of socially engaged practice and public performance art practices.
Flow 2024 is being planned at this moment to happen in October in Spain. This will be an in-person program in collaboration with Denys Blacker.
To receive more notifcations about Flow 2024 please scroll down this page to sign up for our mailing list.
Flow • embody in site, 2023
Sept 11 - Sept 22, 2023
Practice-based workshops were given by Odun Orimolade & Yvette Teeuwen in Rotterdam, Netherlands in partnership with WORM, Yaryna Shumska & Ayako Kato gave in-person workshops in Chicago, U.S. Paul Couillard, Kineret Haya Max and Isabel León gave practice-based online. To read about all the practice-based workshops this Flow 2023 please click on the button below.
Presentations Flow 2023
Week 1
(One online presentation in Zoom each day)
Jelili Atiku (Lagos, Nigeria)
Emily Peasgood (London, U.K.)
Becs Epstein (Chicago, USA)
selina bonelli (Belfast, N.Ireland)
Beau Coleman (Edmonton, Canada)
Week 2 (two online presentations in Zoom each day)
Daniela Beltrani (Rome, Italy)
Ana Hedenstrom (Chicago, USA)
Marita Bullman (Essen, Germany)
Godwin Constantine (Sri Lanka)
Anna Daka (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Anette Friedrich Johannessen (Askøy, Norway)
sun Lynn Hunter (Chicago, USA)
Daisuke Takeya (Toronto, Canada/ Ishinomaki, Japan)
+ Community Gatherings
Live Art Flow Festival 2023
All workshop participants were invited to opt-in for the Live Art on the Streets performance art festival and the culminated in sixteen performances on Thursday Sept 28, and Friday Sept 29, 2023. These performances were shared with our international community and at watch parties at Ohio University School of Art & Design Athens, Ohio, U.S., LePARC Research Center at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, and University of Lincoln in Lincoln, U.K.
Scholarship Recipents
At Flow 2023 with the generous support of our sponsors we were able to give eight scholarship The Writer Scholarships are nominated to Eleni Kolliopoulou (Athens, Greece) and Agata Flaminika (London, U.K.). The writers wrote blog posts documenting the Flow experience on our blog.
Performance Scholarships in Chicago were awarded to Safa Sarvestani (Athens, Ohio/ Iran) and Marco Guagnelli (Mexico/Chicago, U.S.) and to Anette Friedrich Johannesson (Askøy, Norway) and Merel Smitt (Rotterdam, Netherlands). The online Performance Scholarships were awarded to lo bil (Toronto, Canada) and Lucian Nigro (Athens, Ohio).
Live Art On The Streets Performance Art Festival will be on September 28, 29, 2023
Supported by WORM in partnership with Out of Site Chicago & Experimental Sound Studio
A simultaneous event in Rotterdam & Chicago
Co-curated by ieke Trinks & Carron Little from Out of Site Chicago and PAE (Performance Art Event) we have invited artists in Chicago and Rotterdam to create collaborative public performance art works in Chicago & Rotterdam. Supporting four artists from Chicago to collaborate with four artists from Rotterdam to experiment with ways in which live encounters can be simultaneously transmitted between Rotterdam and Chicago so the public can witness these simultaneous cultural experiences.
Artists include: Contemporary Glory (Charlien Adriaenssens & Louis van der Waal) with Sarah Beth Woods, Kathrin Wolkowicz with Regin Igloria, Ratri Notosodirdjo with Carlos Salazar-Lermont, and Frans van Lent with Adrian Wood.
Live Art on the Streets
A public performance art festival by Flow workshop participants.
Thursday Sept 28, 2023 & Friday Sept 29, 2023
Building Cultural Partnerships
We are thrilled to partner with WORM, Rotterdam to organize Flow • embody in site 2023. We are grateful to be supported by Hyde Park Art Center Artist Run Award and continuing a partnership with Experimental Sound Studio (ESS), Ohio University School of Art & Design, and Intellect Books for a third year running. We were thrilled to add additional partners in 2023 working with LePARC Research Center at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), and University of Lincoln, (Lincoln, U.K.) to host watch parties of the Live Performance Art Festival.
Flow is organized in a voluntary capacity by Out of Site artist collective and fiscally sponsored by Experimental Sound Studio.
To find out more about Flow 2023 you can download a schedule for the different time zones where Flow happened.
Interview with Sandra Johnston, Alastair MacLennan, and Brian Patterson by Brandon Sward, released on Monday May 16, 2022
The importance of developing an inter-relational practice in public sites is explored in this candid interview with Alastair MacLennan, the editor, Sandra Johnston and contributor, Brian Patterson. In this interview these three public performance practitioners discuss the experiential learning that has the capacity to take place when a performance artist ‘attunes to a specific location’.

International Collaborations
Forging community and cultivating dialogue with diverse audiences
Performance by selina bonelli, Sound Mirrors project, photo by Andrea Abbatangelo